Hypnosis Facts

Here are just a few facts and professional opinions about the successful use of hypnosis.


Recovery from Surgery


Quitting Smoking

Weight Loss

Relieving Stress


“For many years now the Olympic teams and Pro athletes have been using the tool of hypnosis to gain the mental edge on their opponents. Tiger Woods for golf, Wayne Gretzky for hockey and now amateur athletes are using hypnotherapy for the mental aspect of the game. It has been said competition at any competitive level is 80% mental and hypnosis is the key to mental success”. Chris Geier, Hypnosis Motivation Institute.

Recovery from Surgery

Research by Carol Ginandes at Harvard Medical School showed that hypnosis increased the rate of recovery on patients who had undergone surgery. The research was compared to patients who received the same surgery but without hypnosis. Another study is cited where fractured ankles healed in 70% of the normal time when the patient used hypnosis. Again, this was compared to a control group under the same circumstances, but without hypnosis. Cromie, W.J. (2003) Hypnosis Helps Healing. Harvard University Gazette, May 8th 2003.


  • Psychoanalysis: 38% after 600 sessions
  • Behavior Therapy: 72% after 22 sessions
  • Hypnotherapy> 93% after 6 sessions
  • American Health Magazine

“Hypnosis may sound like magic, but we are now producing evidence showing it can be significantly therapeutic”, says David Spiegel a Standard University Psychologist.

Quitting Smoking

After an exhaustive research project, New Scientist Magazine identified hypnosis as the most effective way to quit smoking.

Weight Loss

A dateline NBC experiment on weight management indicates hypnotherapy was more successful than any other method.

Relieving Stress

For the treatment of stress, hypnosis has been called “the most potent non-pharmacological relaxing agent known to science” by Dr Gérard Sunnen of the New York University School of Medicine.

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